Friday, July 06, 2007

Unlike Julie it takes me much longer to post the pictures from our little FOI day...The picture of Emma and Rebecca is simple it was them playing and having fun..

The picture of Rebecca and Julie comes with a story...The girls were playing by the water edge and as you can tell the water was not that deep. Anyway I decided I would go back to the car and get the girls suits and Julie would be the life guard...I never dreamed in a million years that Julie would be just that..Rebecca lost her footing and fell in far enough that Julie had to go right in to get her so when I returned Julie was sitting on the dock soaked from head to toe and Rebecca was crying..we had a little chuckle and tried to brush it off for Rebecca but I want to say thank you to Julie for that moment and I will always be greatful for her reaction ..I know it may not be right but I did not tell Gino as he hates when we are around water...Problem with that is Rebecca keeps telling him the story but since he is a little hard of hearing he's not picked up on the story yet....LOL

Thank you Julie..

Carolyn & Rebecca


At 8:21 AM, Blogger my3 kids said...

Wow, is that Julie??? I almost didn't recognize her with longer hair. It's so nice to see how close you all are. I am sure everyone had a fun day at the beach.

At 5:34 PM, Blogger J said...

You're very welcome...and of course you forgot to mention that later in the day, Emma ran in and didn't quite put the brakes on fast enough and you ran in and caught her... it may not sound like it, but overall it was a relaxing day at a beautiful country retreat. :-)



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